Diabetes Mellitus Powerpoint Template Free is one of our wonderful collection of Premium Powerpoint Templates, it is provided for free and regulated for personal or professional Presentations. The template is multipurpose, professional, clean, creative and simple. The template is created suitable for all areas of business and marketing. Diabetes Mellitus Physiology of Energy Metabolism All body cells use glucose for energy. To maintain this constant source of energy, blood glucose levels must be kept. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 6f939d-MzkzN.
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- Free Diabetes Powerpoint Presentations
Presentation on theme: 'Diabetes mellitus.'— Presentation transcript:
1 Diabetes mellitus
2 DefinitionDiabetes is a metabolic disorder resulting in abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia)Blood sugar is normally controlled by a hormone called insulin that is secreted by the pancreas

3 History of DiabetesFirst known reference comes from an Egyptian papyrus dating back to 1550 BC“Diabetes” alluded to the Greek word for “flowing through”, referring to the excessive production of urineDiabetes was named by the Greek physician Aretaeus between 30 and 90 AD
4 History of the DiseaseAvicenna, a famous Arab physician, described the complications of the disease and how it progressedFrench physician Bouchardat recognized the importance of calorie intake in the 1870s
5 History of the DiseasePaul Langerhans identified the importance of the pancreas in the early 19th century and discovered the islets of Langerhans, a group of cells that would later be known to produce insulinHow about drawing an arrow (yellow?) to show the islets?
6 History of the DiseaseFrederick Banting discovered the hormone insulin and won the Nobel Prize for his efforts in the 1920sHe used an extract of the pancreas of dogs that prolonged the life of diabetic dogs.
7 Mental Break 1Who is this?
8 Mental Break 1How about this?
9 Mental Break 1 And finally, who is this?
So, what do they all have in common?
10 Statistics 8% of the population has some form of diabetes
The number of cases increased by 13.5% between 2005 and 2007Total economic cost of diabetes in the United States in 2007 was estimated at $174 billion
11 Healthy MetabolismThe lettering needs to be larger. How about reading into Photoshop, erasing current lettering and put in larger font.Within the pancreas are islets of LangerhansThe islets contain special cells called beta cellsBeta cells produce insulinInsulin allows glucose to be absorbed into muscles and tissues
12 Diabetic Metabolism http://www.citisletstudy.org/images/edt.jpg
As in previous slide, lettering is too small. Also, did you get permission to use these illustrations? We need that (and also a reference for where they came from)Type 1 – Pancreas produces little or no insulinGlucose unable to enter body effectivelyType 2 – Pancreas produces sufficient insulin, but it doesn’t work effectively
13 How might this cause problems?
14 How it causes problemsToo much glucose inhibits the reabsorption of water by the kidneyCauses excessive thirst and urinationIt gets absorbed by parts of the body in which excess glucose is not toleratedEyes, kidneys, nerves, heartThis is true, but does not follow logically from the previous slide.Parts of the body don’t “want” anything. You need to explain why surplus glucose in these organs is a problem.
15 Can you guess what kind of major complications excess glucose in these organs would cause?
Blood vessel damage
16 Why diabetes is bad If left uncontrolled, diabetes can lead to:
Heart attack/Stroke – the risk of each is 2 to 4 times higher in people with diabetesHigh Blood Pressure – 73% of diabetics have high blood pressureBlindness – diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults years of ageBut none of this explain why extra glucose causes such problems.High blood pressure/heart attack/stroke caused by the thickening and weakening of blood vessels due to absorption of glucoseBlindness is caused by both the absorption of glucose by the lenses of the eyes, distorting them and the damage to blood vessels in the retina
17 Why diabetes is badHigh blood pressure/heart attack/stroke caused by the thickening and weakening of blood vessels due to absorption of glucoseBlindness is caused by both the absorption of glucose by the lenses of the eyes, distorting them and the damage to blood vessels in the retina
Diabetes Mellitus Ppt Free Download For Windows 7
18 Why diabetes is badKidney failure – diabetes is also the leading cause of kidney failureKetoacidosis - diabetic comas due to biochemical imbalances that can even lead to deathDiabetes can also lead to nervous system disease, gum disease, and pregnancy complicationsKidney failure also due to damage to the organ’s blood vesselsKetoacidosis is caused by excessive ketone levels due to the break down of fats and proteins, and lack of glucose absorbed. It is also made worse by the dehydration caused by diabetes
19 Why diabetes is badKidney failure also due to damage to the organ’s blood vesselsKetoacidosis is caused by excessive ketone levels due to the break down of fats and proteins, and lack of glucose absorbed. It is also made worse by the dehydration caused by diabetesWhy is there more breakdown of fats and proteins? Also, you need to remind presenter to explain ketoacidosis in 8th grade language.
20 Signs and Symptoms Excessive urine production
Results in increased thirst and fluid intakeBlurred visionWeight loss (Type 1)LethargyChanges in metabolismType 1 has not been explained. By the way, I have seen sudden weight loss in adults with Type 2 (isn’t Type 1 childhood diabetes)? Need to credit the source of the slide.
21 DiagnosisDoctors use either a Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG) or an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) to confirm that a patient has diabetesThe FPG is recommended because it is easier, faster, and less expensive to perform
22 A Public Service Announcement from Michael Phelps…
Mental Break 2A Public Service Announcement from Michael Phelps…Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelet. One bowl of grits. Three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread. Energy drinks packing 1,000 calories.Dinner: One pound of pasta. An entire pizza. More energy drinks.
23 So, eating 12,000 calories a day is ok if you are Michael Phelps
Mental Break 2So, eating 12,000 calories a day is ok if you are Michael Phelps
24 Types Type 1 Type 2 Gestational
Risk factors and treatment for diabetes differ slightly between the typesHowever, genetics impact both type 1 and type 2: having relatives with diabetes increases ones chances of getting the disease.
25 Type 1 5-10% of diagnosed diabetes cases in humans
Immune system destroys beta cells in the pancreas, the only cells in the body capable of making insulin.Previously known as juvenile diabetes because it most often diagnosed in children and young adultsUnlike Type 2, diet and exercise cannot prevent the disease.
26 Treatment of Type 1Insulin replacement therapy – insulin is supplemented to the body either by injection or an insulin pumpStrict dietary management is required - carbohydrate tracking and monitoring glucose levelsBoth of these have to be kept up for the life of the patient
27 Treatment of Type 1Credit source of photos
28 Type 2 90-95% of diagnosed diabetes cases in humans
Pancreas produces insulin, but the body’s response to insulin is diminishedUnlike type 1, it is usually a late-onset disease, meaning that it develops later in life
29 Type 2Prevalence is rapidly increasing and it is also being found more often in younger peopleBoth of these observations are being linked to the obesity epidemic that has taken over the globe.Obesity has been found to cause increased insulin resistance which can result in diabetes
30 Type 2Over 85% of diabetics have a Body Mass Index of over 25, which is classified as overweightOver 55% have a BMI of over 30, which is obese
31 Treatment and Prevention of Type 2
A proper diet and good exercise habits can support weight loss and effectively limit the effects of the disease.Management of glucose levelsis still required and ofteninsulin replacement therapyis also needed.
32 GestationalCharacterized by high glucose levels in pregnant women who never showed signs of diabetes before their pregnancyAffects about 3-10% of pregnanciesIt is believed that hormones released during pregnancy increase insulin resistance
33 Gestational Cont… Babies are at increased risk of complications
Mothers are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes after pregnancyIt is a treatable condition by controlling diet, monitoring glucose, and giving insulin when necessary
34 Mental Break 3 Who can name the hormone that regulates glucose?
Which diabetes is treatable with diet and exercise?What is the largest planet in the solar system?
35 Presentation in Animals
Diabetes is a growing problem in both dogs and catsDogs are most oftenfound to have type 1diabetes, while catshave a combinationPrevalence is increasing
36 Symptoms Symptoms are similar to those in humans
Sudden weight loss or gainExcessive drinking or urinationAppetite is either excessive or absentDogs are highly sensitive to eye problems such as blurred vision and cataractsIn cats, the back legs become weak and their gait may become wobbly or stiltedThinning of the skin can also occurDehydration can finally lead to death
37 Treatment If left untreated, diabetes is life-threatening in pets.
However, diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian can control the disease, prolonging life, and can even lead to remission in cats.
Diabetes Mellitus Ppt Free Download 2017
38 DietA simple change of diet can go a long ways in helping to reduce the effects of diabetes.A low-carbohydrate diet reduces the amount of insulin needed and stabilizes blood sugar levels in cats.A high-fiber, moderate-carb diet has been recommended for dogs.Talk about diet needs specific to animals
39 MedicationsThe most common form of treatment in pets is insulin injections similar to those used in humans.Oral medications in the form of pills are available, but are not often recommended because they are much less effective.Specific oral medications
40 Ongoing Research Type 1 Treatment
Islet Cell Encapsulation – transplant of insulin-producing Islet cells encapsulated in permeable membrane to get around the immune systemIslet Cell Regeneration – Involves a protein that is responsible for the regeneration of Islet cells and other important hormones in the pancreas – in clinical trialsIslet cell development from stem cells
Free Diabetes Powerpoint Presentations
41 Ongoing Research Type 1 Treatment Type 1 Prevention
Gene Therapy – an oral medication consisting of viral vectors containing the insulin gene is digested and delivered to the upper intestines where it is reproducedType 1 PreventionImmunization – a biochemical mechanism is being researched that prevents the immune system from attacking beta cells
42 Ongoing Research Islet Cell Nanotechnology
Need elaboration in notes section.
43 Any Questions?
44 References http://www.diabetes.org/home.jsp